Your support matters

Make a Donation

Ways you can contribute:

  • Online contributions (click the “Donate Now” button above)

  • Text “Give” to 858-779-0096

  • Mail a check payable to “Share the Dough” and send to: 2211 Encinitas Blvd Suite 100 Encinitas, CA 92024

  • Venmo @Share-TheDough or click HERE

All donations are tax deductible EIN:81-1608170

Other ways to Give!

  • Manna employee payroll donations (fill out form HERE or click link below for ADP)

  • Change for Children- Round Up your check at our Panera Bread locations or put change in the donation canisters!

  • Host a Facebook Fundraiser! Link

For Manna Employees Only:

Employee Payroll Donation Authorization

Sign Up for Payroll donations through bi-weekly paychecks HERE or on your ADP profile (link and instructions below).

Share the Dough is partly funded by Manna employees, for Manna employees. It’s easy to make a difference by giving $1 or more out of your paycheck to support a co-worker in a time of need. A dollar doesn’t sound like much, but when your dollar is added to other Manna employee’s contributions, it can make a big difference.

To make a regular, bi-weekly donation from your paycheck through your ADP profile click HERE! Select myself > benefits > enrollments > year round enrollment > modify your donation amount > select “continue to summary”

Once you are done you will be all set for a one time or a reoccurring donation.

We can’t thank you enough for partnering with us!

Send any questions to